Originally shared by Terry Leigh Britton
Coming Soon:
An Experiment in Open Mic Night style Music Performances
Using YouTube Live Events and Multiple Cameras!
I host a show called "The Blue Juice Jamboree Variety Show" on Sunday Nights. I am using YT Live because the audio AND video quality are far superior to hangouts even when hangouts are behaving.
YT Live Events are amazingly stable. I think "Open Mic" nights deserve that kind of stability. AND I do not like the Studio Mode codec that much, even when it works! Though Phil Aston did figure out how to tame it for his wife Sue Aston 's wonderful live violin shows (taming the upper-frequency stridency that Studio Mode has and controlling the peaks to be no higher than -12db), it still suffers the usual Hangout problems with video stability, and getting the voice right!
(Not to mention Studio Mode hangouts-on-air spontaneously dropping OUT of Studio Mode and back into Voice Mode, seemingly on a whim; and Voice Mode is amazingly bad sounding with music!)
One has FULL CONTROL over the sound quality using YouTube Live Events instead. To me, it is worth the extra effort required to have that quality and consistency. Unfortunately, Hangouts are still providing only an unstable and inconsistent hobbyists' tool, while YT Live Events provide us with professional tools.
Enter http://obsproject.com, a free encoding software for sending one's mic and webcam/video camera up to YouTube Live!
I'm making a video showing a minimum-installation of OBS that would enable an Open Mic night kind of event using multiple cameras feeding the same event.
YT-Live allows up to six simultaneous cameras to stream in, which the audience can select between during the show!
For the test shows, I'll schedule performers to follow each other, perhaps, but it is conceivable they could all play at once without having to wait their turn, and the audience could switch among them, and rewind to see each person in the order they want to!
(That is, though we are used to a linear presentation, a non-linear format is possible. One could even have six simultaneous linear programs still giving the audience a non-linear way to experience it!)
More info to come soon! :-)
I need some musicians who want to play with this to come forward!
I have also figured out a way to keep the social element flying, and have an audience included.
Pings out to Aaron Young Chris Sutton Hangout Records Christine DeGraff C Bret Campbell Eddie Conlon Cecilee Linke The Dead Shed Rayne Dowell Kathleen Bradshaw (Please ping others!)
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