Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Terry Leigh Britton hi Terry! Sorry to post this ? in this forum but couldn't figure out how to DM you on here.

Terry Leigh Britton hi Terry! Sorry to post this ? in this forum but couldn't figure out how to DM you on here.

Do you know how to fix this Win 10 Mapping a Drive/Network Credentials Glitch? I get either Windows cannot access the "Drive" or Enter Credentials which never works...........I mapped thousands of drive on Win7, yet Win10 which is SUPPOSEDLY more advanced will not work. CAn you help?


  1. UCANTCEEME Gamer are you running Professional? Or Home?

  2. I wish I knew. I've had nothing but headaches with both "Homegroups" and with mapping drives recently. On some computer pairings it works fine, on others Homegroup works but network shares and mappings don't, on others it is the opposite. I wish I knew what to even look at. Just tried the SMB idea - turning it off and then on again - that John shared in that post he links to, but it didn't change my situation (though perhaps mapped drives are a bit more dependable now).

  3. Thanks John Brown​ and Terry Leigh Britton​. I think I've tried this and it still didn't work but I'll double check.

  4. Thanks for your help guys! John Brown Terry Leigh Britton
