Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Does anybody know where to get an Elgato Chat Link (or similar splitter) in the U.S.

Does anybody know where to get an Elgato Chat Link (or similar splitter) in the U.S.? I've tried Elgato directly, but their site store doesn't include shipping outside of Europe. Amazon lists it as 'out of stock', and none of the other various splitters I've tried have worked. They all split the mic and the speaker audio instead of creating two identical audio outs like the Chat Link, which is what I need.


  1. Unfortunately, those are a software 'fix' to a hardware problem, so it doesn't actually do what I need. I need actual, physical splitters. The problem isn't on the PC end.

    Here's what I'm trying to do:

  2. Unfortunately, no. The only audio splitter I've found that promises me two identical outputs is the one sold by Elgato, and they don't deliver to the U.S..

    It looks like I'm going to have to find somebody that lives in Europe willing to play musical mail with me. Fortunately, I know several people who might be willing to allow me to send it to them, and have them mail it to me. I just really didn't want to have to go through Elgato...
