Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Does anyone know how to configure or remove the audio stuttering that occurs when using OBS and ElGatoHD for capture?

Does anyone know how to configure or remove the audio stuttering that occurs when using OBS and ElGatoHD for capture? It seems to only happen during scene changes were the loading screen is black or dark. Video is not effected at all and stays in sync. It's only the Aussie...THANKS!!!


  1. I have a suspicion that those screens are NOT set as Global Sources, and so they are having to load afresh every time. If you load them often, delete them from your scenes, set them up as Global Sources, and then re-enter them into those scenes.

  2. Terry Leigh Britton Ok. I'll try that Terry. I saw one thread and a person said that they had to roll back their driver version to a very old installation because the issue kept happening no matter what. Here's the quote,

    "I ended up downloaded the latest version 2.11.42 and ran into the topical problem. I've since uninstalled it and went for the oldest version I could find 1.42.24 and it works perfectly."

    It doesn't happen in ElGato's Native program or in XSplit. It may be bad programming.

  3. That's true but I have had it happen to me where audio glitched as it loaded a driver or source during a scene switch. Only setting it up as a global source fixed it. (Global sources stay loaded all the time.)

    I found this video that shows EVERY optimization I've ever heard about for audio PC's in one place. Use pause a lot - he covers a ton! Let me know if it is helpful for this stuttering issue.

    Did you get to try changing that input to a Global Source?

  6. Terry Leigh Britton
    Not yet. I plan to do some streaming and test it tonight.
